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Momentum builds in South East office investment market clone

Gerald Eve says the number of deals under offer point to a busy second quarter

Balloon, Ball

Amplitude test test

Knight Frank’s head of residential reflects on today’s market norms

Q+A: Anacott's James Lapushner on quantitative easing addiction, contrarian investing and how you can never recover from overpaying

Company founder believes interest rates and inflation will continue to rise as governments repeat past mistakes

Law firm signs up to Tristan’s 103 Colmore Row

The building is now 65% leased or under offer

Person, Human, Railing

Ballymore and Hammerson to begin 10 acre Bishopsgate Goodsyard regeneration

Completion of Section 106 agreement formalises the 2020 planning consent

Flooring, Handrail, Banister

Business advisory firm takes 11,000 sq ft at Manchester's One Express

The property underwent extensive refurbishments which were completed in September 2021